case study

Ramp Health rebuilds their website to increase conversion rates by over 64%

Read about how Ramp Health teamed up with Daydreamers Design to improve their Shopify storefront.

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"Shoutout to the legend Jeff and his team for their amazing work. @jeffreympark and his team are so talented it's crazy"

Thomas J Bongiorno, Ramp Health • Founder


Ramp Health is a DTC brand specializing in potent nootropic supplements designed to help individuals overcome social anxiety and stress. Their flagship product, B4, combines six natural, clinically proven ingredients to promote calmness, confidence, and mental clarity without harmful chemicals or side effects. For more information, visit Ramp Health.


When TJ, the founder of RampHealth, reached out to us, he knew his storefront needed an uplift. He wanted to better communicate the brand’s essence and connect emotionally with his customers. The existing messaging was unclear, the aesthetic was bland, and the website did not reflect the brand’s identity.

These issues resulted in: 
1. High bounce rates
2. Low engagement
3. Ineffective product pages
4. Weak user experience

The limitations of a standard free Shopify theme prevented him from achieving the flexibility and customization he desired for his website. All said, Ramp Health needed to improve its conversion rates. Because of the low conversion rates, they weren’t running paid ads at the time. All customers were acquired organically through social media and word of mouth.

Ramp Health Before

Average Conversion Rate: 2.51%

Approach & strategy

Enter Daydreamers Design.

The biggest issues resided within the home and product pages. They were unorganized, uncommunicative, and way off-brand. While we worked on improving Ramp Health’s website, they were also going through a rebrand. The initial branding was a bit dark, so TJ wanted to go with a lighter, airy aesthetic. (That’s why the before and afters are a bit different.)

Note: We didn’t contribute to the actual branding. The rebrand was done by the talented @BowTiedMaker.

Home Page: The home page lacked a solidified structure and hierarchy. The messaging was a bit weak and did not effectively communicate what it actually does. 

Product Page: The product page was missing key pre-purchase information, social proof, and a buy box that encouraged a higher AOV and subscriptions. 

Our strategy was clear: redesign the pages to better convey the product's value to ideal customers. We used thoughtful design to highlight the benefits, making the information easy to understand and engaging.


Over the next few weeks after onboarding, we implemented winning strategies like: 

1. Custom product images
2. Improved home page hierarchy
3. Optimized product page
4. Clear copywriting & communication

Ramp Health After

Average Conversion Rate: 4.12%